Pipe Suppliers
PPSL are specialist in the installation of both steel and plastic systems. Primarily we install Logstor steel and PEX networks.
However, we can also offer supply and installation of brands such as Brugg, having installed their CALPEX range on several projects, and also supply and install pre insulated Powerpipe, Rehau and Aquatherm products.
It is more than 50 years since LOGSTOR developed the technology behind trail-blazing district heating solutions that revolutionised the energy sector, and continues to set new standards to this day.
As the leading manufacturer of pre-insulated pipe systems in the world, requirements on LOGSTOR’s energy-efficient products are sky high. Production is distinguished by peerless sector experience backed by constant innovation at the cutting edge of the latest technology.
This ensures LOGSTOR’s customers an investment in the most energy-efficient and sustainable transport of liquids and gases for district heating and cooling and for the shipping, oil and gas industries.
LOGSTOR has more than 50 years of experience in the delivery and establishment of specially designed pipe systems in towns and cities of every type and size, thus giving the assurance of buying a long established, tried and tested system.
LOGSTOR work closely with PPSL offering skilled advice, training and guidance, and are always available throughout the project period as required in order to ensure project success.
Responsibility is hard-wired into LOGSTOR’s DNA. PPSL and LOGSTOR always deliver integrated solutions precisely as required – solutions that require only minimum maintenance and are to the benefit of customers and the environment.
All LOGSTOR’s district heating solutions operate with only minimum heat loss. Additionally, added surveillance technologies mean that the actual status of the pipe system is always under complete control and highly recommended with all systems. This, in turn, means that any errors are detected at an early stage, thus avoiding unnecessary consequential damage, and disruptions to supply.
As such, the systems ensure an efficient heat supply to the benefit of the end customer via a pipe system with a long service life and low installation costs, demonstrating leadership in the field of eco-friendly and renewable energy.
After years of experience we highly recommend the use of LOGSTOR systems due to the high level of quality, reliability and efficiency. LOGSTOR’s head office is in Løgstør, Denmark, and the company employs around 1,200 people in 14 different countries. Production is carried out at the group’s ten factories in Denmark, China, Finland, Poland, Romania and Sweden.
Require an excavation for utilities? Contact PPSL
Call Us: 01204 257065
Email Us: info@ppsl-districtheating.co.uk
We are fully Accredited
PPSL are proud to hold the following accreditations to demonstrate the high standards we uphold across all our projects

The installation of pre insulated pipess is a more complex process that many other utility services, and primarily undertaken in excavations. The very nature of these working conditions and the products means that upholding and working to audited and approved processes is always essential to ensure the projects we deliver for our clients are the highest industry standards by way of quality and H&S.